Meet Sarah
I love growing beautiful things alongside nature, spreading good to others through the language of flowers. I switched careers two years ago from being a registered nurse to becoming a flower farmer. Instead of NICU babies, now I am caring for plant babies. I love working outside, creating, arranging and sharing beauty. I am a mom of two little boys who love to help plant seeds, dig in the dirt and help with whatever else I am working on. My husband and I recently moved our family to our dream property with lots of space to grow.
We grow on two locations in Lancaster County Pennsylvania.

The Mann Property
My husband and our two boys recently moved to a small farm in Bainbridge PA. We have added flower fields and a high tunnel to grow specialty cut flowers in. It's been a dream come true to have space for our kids to run around in and space to grow beautiful things to share with our community.
The Broomell Farm
Located in Millersville PA. My parents bought this property in 1987 and it is where I grew up. In March of 2022 I started a flower field here to grow cut flowers for subscription bouquets.

Why "Serendipity"?
Serendipity is one of my favorite words. It has a magical and beautiful quality to it. Serendipity means the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way, a fortunate accident or finding something good without looking for it. A seed germinating, a flower blossoming, spring arriving each year, are all serendipitous events, but I don’t believe they are just accidents. My favorite quote from the movie Serendipity is “Life is not a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences, but rather, it’s a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan.” Often we get so busy in life that we miss the beauty. We miss the good. I encourage you to slow down, to savor and delight in those accidents that purposefully brought you to this moment.